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The Current Situation in Gaza
The ongoing conflict in Gaza has resulted in a severe humanitarian crisis, ...
ÀÌ´ÙÀÎ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-26 20:15
Racism and Enforcement in Soccer
In recent years, racism has become a severe issue in international soccer. ...
Ȳ¿¹¿ø °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-26 20:14
Parasitic Fetus (Twins)
Can you believe that the fetus is parasitic in the fetus? This can happen, ...
ÀÌÁöÀ² °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-26 20:13
Driving Towards a Greener Future: Why are EV cars better for Earth?
In a world where environmental concerns are at the forefront of public cons...
½ÅÁÖÈ£ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-14 16:23
Halloween: The Catalyst of Pain
On October 29, 2022, South Korea experienced one of the most devastating ev...
À±Çʸ³ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-14 16:22
Regional Growth: A Path to Success
As we navigate an age marked by global interconnectedness and technological...
ÀÌÀ¯Áø °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-14 16:21
Why Raw? Not Cooked?
While there are many delicious and famous Japanese dishes, the most renowne...
±è·¡¿ø °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-14 16:19
Skin Cancer
Skin cancer is an uncontrollable growth of abnormal cells in the outermost ...
±è½ÃÀ¯ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:20
The Psychology Behind Our Memories
The memory model has been a hotly debated topic among cognitive scientists ...
¹Ú¿¬¿ì °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:19
Atlanta Falcons Express Confidence in Kicker Younghoe Koo
The Atlanta Falcons have recently made headlines by working out free agent ...
½É¿¹ÁØ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:19
Do Schools have a Good Classroom Culture?
A classroom culture with a sense of belonging is very important to establis...
È«ÀºÃ¤ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:18
NASA's 'Lucy' First Asteroid Exploration Was Successful
Space.com (American space science media) reported that 'NASA' (the ...
¹éÀ±Èñ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:17
How does AI recognize your handwriting? (part. 2)
In the field of computer vision, convolutional neural networks, or CNNs, ar...
ÀÌÁÖ¿¹ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:15
How to Live a Happy Life?
Book review YouTuber NJTTOK created a video about the happiness of life thr...
ÀÌ¿µ¿ì °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:14
Turbulence: Earthquakes in the Sky
For ordinary people, taking a flight overseas is an exciting, enjoyable exp...
ȲÀçÈÆ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:14
The Wondrous Power of Music - Its World-Altering Effects
Few things have had a more significant and enduring impact on the tapestry ...
Ȳµ¿¿ø °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:13
Symptoms, causes, and treatments for CRPS
Have you ever heard of CRPS? CRPS stands for complex regional pain syndrome...
ÀÌÁöÀ² °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:13
Economic Slowdown Expected but Reversed
Economists and the Federal Reserve predicted that due to interest rate hike...
Á¶°ÇÈÖ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:11
New Innovative Cancer Treatment, the World's First 7-Minute Anti-cancer Jab
Cancer is a disease caused by the uncontrolled growth and spread of abnorma...
ÀÌÀ±È­ °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:09
The Evolution and Utilization of Narcotics
Nowadays, various illegal drug-related issues and influential figures assoc...
¿ÀÁø¿ì °­³²Æ÷½ºÆ® Çлý±âÀÚ  |  2023-11-06 21:05
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